Black Moon Paranormal Society
Let's Collabrate!
Join the journey of the unknown
Black Moon Paranormal Society offer's opportunities for personalized web pages, advertisements throughout all social media. Scroll down to read details

Personalized Website Page includes,
A direct contact info to the owner of the page
A personalized page that will be designed and approved before posting publicly
(2) public posts of page a month on Instagram & Facebook medias
Fee: Monthly Payment $25 a month OR Every 6 months $120 a month
*I will need logo, update photo of you and your bio with services sent etc. Whatever you like on your page
Extras Available
Are you are doing a event somewhere and are interested in extra exposure?
Event’s posted on Website Includes
Event link available as far as 60 days prior to date of the event with all details of registration, contact etc.
If you have a personalized page on BMPs Website, then a posting as well on your page
(2)Event link Advertisement post's will be done on Instagram & Facebook within 30 days of the event.
Fee: $25 an event link
Facebook & Instagram Advertisements
Will create (2) different style AD for all your events
Fee: $25
Combo for Event link & Advertisement
Event link available as far as 60 days prior to date of the event with all details of registration, contact etc.
Will create (2) different style AD for all your events
If you have a personalized page on BMPS Website, then a posting as well on your page
(2) Event link AND 4 advertisement posts to Instagram & Facebook Medias within 30 days of the event.
Fee: $40